TEA RECIPE | RUM & CHAIDER: Once upon a time a few year's back, I was visiting friends at a cute little pub in a cute little New York town. On the bar of that cute little pub in the cute little town was a great big slow cooker filled with spiced apple cider... which they served to us warm and wonderful with a special twist... RUM. (My favorite!) Now that is fine and wonderful and delicious and perfectly excellent on a cold night all on its own, but let's take it up a notch, shall we? For this we need another short tale... Once upon a Fall afternoon, I stumbled upon sweet and fancy little tea shop in Boston and was offered my first taste of Chai tea (something I had otherwise been avoiding due to the intensity of the flavor and my inclination toward green tea) steeped in... you guessed it... hot apple cider. So let's take these two brilliant ideas and throw them together in a cute little pink teapot and enjoy kicking back in our cozies on a cold and snowy day, now shall we?